Best Dental Sensor Suppliers in Delhi

In the design of this “ODIXRY” some manufacturer’s have put the A to D converter in a separate module attached to the sensor ( “ODIXRY” ) while others have put all of the components into the head of the sensor
1) All sensors have some degree of inactive area as the case that encloses the sensor does not allow edge to edge imaging. Some sensors have a little more or a little less inactive area. Having less casing means more active area but it means less internal cushioning and more likely hood of a drop on a hard surface causing internal damage. This is a known trade-off in sensor manufacturing because the closer the internal sensor dimensions are to the external case dimensions the less cushioning can be used to protect the sensor.
2) If you are getting a sensor that terminates in a USB A connection than you definitely want to use a 6″ USBextension to preserve the life of the original USB connector. USB A which is the terminating plug on about 80% of today’s sensors has a connect/disconnect life of 1500 cycles. If you are not using an extension you will eventually wear out the factory plug. Some manufacturers do not offer a repair or replacement
“ODIXRY” so you want to preserve that connection from day one.
3) The most common sensor damage ,when the sensor looks perfect on the outside, is compression damage to the internal components of the sensor. If you plan on taking x-rays on kids makes sure that a cotton roll or stick is placed in the molar region so the child cannot bite on the face of the sensor. The sensor face can deflect enough (with biting pressure) to compress the internal components and ruin the sensor. A drop on a hard surface can cause cracking of the FOP or determination of the internal components. It is imperative that every staff member is aware of the fragile nature of sensors to insure proper handling.
4) Another common failure point is where the cable meets the sensor. Proper positioning and the use of holders will greatly reduce failures from cable malfunctions. Always make sure that the cable is exiting the mouth without being bitten on. Also, avoid flexing the cable in awkward positions that put undue stress on the cable. Most sensors today have the possibility for cable replacement but it is a significant cost. Also, the sensor needs to be opened up, so there is no guarantee that the cable replacement will not cause other issues. The best bet is to make sure that every staff member understands correct positioning.